More than once upon a time ago, around this time of year, I would pull out all of my Bon Appetite magazines and start planning a Cookie Party or Christmas Eve Dinner. I would pick a new recipe to try, find the old ones that we loved, and the magazines would eventually become strewn all over the living room floor. My two small children would then have to put them all back, in order, and return them to the shelf. To this day, I am not missing one from the entire time I subscribed to this magazine.
My children are now grown and away from home with children of their own.
In yogic philosophy we talk about non-attachment, (Aparigraha in Sanskrit.) I have purged a lot of things over the past years to simplify my life, and it wasn't really that hard for me to let go of physical things. I can honestly say that I was not even attached to the expectation that what I was giving away, I would certainly need the next day!
On a deeper level, I have often wondered why I cannot purge and let go of the Bon Appetite magazines. I barely use them now and continue to move them around the house. After much thought, I determined that it is because I am attached to the memories of the warm, delicious meals created from them, (including the now highly requested Chocolate Chip Scones). They remind me of cozy fires, hockey on the pond, old friends, laughter and the presence of noisy kids.
Feelings of love filled my entire being as I recently sat on the living room floor in silence, in the exact same place, and put my magazines back in order myself. Sacred tears of sadness released down my cheeks for years gone by.
We talk about letting go of what no longer serves us, but in a way, my magazines still serve me, so I will keep them.
But if all my kids and grandkids gave me the gift of their presence and I could make a big meal and be surrounded by all that love again, would I give my magazines away?
May you all be blessed with Peace in your heart, Strength in your mind and body, and Harmony in your life.
In Grace & Gratitude,
My children are now grown and away from home with children of their own.
In yogic philosophy we talk about non-attachment, (Aparigraha in Sanskrit.) I have purged a lot of things over the past years to simplify my life, and it wasn't really that hard for me to let go of physical things. I can honestly say that I was not even attached to the expectation that what I was giving away, I would certainly need the next day!
On a deeper level, I have often wondered why I cannot purge and let go of the Bon Appetite magazines. I barely use them now and continue to move them around the house. After much thought, I determined that it is because I am attached to the memories of the warm, delicious meals created from them, (including the now highly requested Chocolate Chip Scones). They remind me of cozy fires, hockey on the pond, old friends, laughter and the presence of noisy kids.
Feelings of love filled my entire being as I recently sat on the living room floor in silence, in the exact same place, and put my magazines back in order myself. Sacred tears of sadness released down my cheeks for years gone by.
We talk about letting go of what no longer serves us, but in a way, my magazines still serve me, so I will keep them.
But if all my kids and grandkids gave me the gift of their presence and I could make a big meal and be surrounded by all that love again, would I give my magazines away?
May you all be blessed with Peace in your heart, Strength in your mind and body, and Harmony in your life.
In Grace & Gratitude,